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Our Projects

Learn about the local organizations, events and charities that the LCMA supports through volunteer work or annual contributions.

Connecting Kids to Meals

Connecting Kids to Meals provides hot, nutritious meals at no cost to kids in low-income and underserved areas throughout the entire year. As a nonprofit organization, they fulfill this mission by partnering with community locations where kids gather during the summer months and throughout the academic year. Since they began operation in 2002, they have served over 6 million meals to hungry kids in need. The Alliance has committed volunteers to help pack meals on site and has donated annually from our General Philanthropy Fund. 

Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House, Toledo's home-away-from-home, offers families who travel to Toledo for their children's specialized medical care a warm, safe, clean, and friendly environment. The RMH currently has 22 sleeping rooms and private baths. The House serves the needs of 500 families annually. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner for each of those families is needed daily and various community agencies sign up to share their culinary expertise and support the needs of these visiting families every day of every month, throughout the year. The Alliance provides hands-on preparation of a meal on site or Alliance members order fully prepared food from local restaurants for delivery to the Ronald McDonald House of Toledo, as part of RMH's 'Dinner at the House'. The Alliance has committed volunteers to provide delivery of a meal or cooking of an on-site meal every other month.



The AMA Alliance created the Stop America's Violence Everywhere (SAVE) in 1995 to combat the growing problem of violence. The SAVE-a-Shelter program provides much-needed local support for domestic violence shelters across the country. Our SAVE-a-Shelter projects include The Aurora House, Mom’s House, Butterflies 15 and Covered. All of these organizations seek to advocate for, educate and empower women who have been affected by domestic violence, poverty, single motherhood and/or human trafficking. The Alliance provides financial support as well as much needed items on each shelters’ wish list including: clothes, household items, bedding, personal hygiene items and gift cards. 


National Doctor’s Day

Doctor’s Day is a special project of the American Medical Association Alliance, the Ohio State Medical Association Alliance and its member county Alliances. It is a day to honor our spouses and any physician who has touched and impacted our lives in a positive way. It is also a day to communicate to the public the achievements made by these physicians in medicine and in health care. Contributions made in honor of Doctor’s Day have continually funded our Scholarship Fund. Children of Alliance members help make special cards for their dads and honored doctors. 


Mobile Meals of Toledo

Mobile Meals of Toledo was founded in 1967 by Carolinea Heintz, a past-president of the Auxiliary/Alliance. She saw a need in our community to provide meals that supply essential nutrients to a person who is unable to prepare or obtain adequate meals. This service is provided for all who would benefit from it regardless of income, with emphasis on the aging population. Several members of the Alliance deliver meals to Mobile Meal’s clients. We also provide financial support and contribute to their annual recognition luncheon. Mobile Meals is always looking for new volunteers.


UT COM Scholarships

The Alliance has been awarding scholarships to the University of Toledo College of Medicine students based on their volunteer community service efforts within Toledo/Lucas County. We have fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for these scholarships. The recipients of these scholarships will be our future physicians who have donated countless time and talent to our local community and have shown a call to help others while completing their medical training.


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​​Contact Us: lcmalliance@gmail.com​​


​​© 2019 by The Academy of Medicine of Toledo and Lucas County Alliance

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